ProxCP Installation

From ProxCP Documentation
Revision as of 23:03, 23 July 2020 by Proxcp (talk | contribs)

1. Web Application Installation

  • Ensure your web server meets the ProxCP minimum requirements
  • It is highly recommended to use HTTPS with ProxCP Web however it is not a requirement
  • Download the latest version of ProxCP from your My ProxCP account
  • Upload the zip file to your web server's directory (i.e. /var/www/html)
  • Extract the zip file in this directory; delete the zip file
  • Navigate your browser to https://[your ProxCP domain]/install
    • Step 1: Review and agree to the License Agreement
    • Step 2: Review ProxCP requirements and make adjustments as needed
    • Step 3: Enter your MySQL database settings, default Administrator credentials, license key, and the domain/port combination that ProxCP Daemon will run on (i.e.
      • The ProxCP Daemon does require HTTPS connections and will not work over HTTP
    • Step 4: The installer will complete and provide further security steps and a ProxCP secret key. This key is required during ProxCP Daemon installation and is used for data encryption (DO NOT share or lose this key)
  • In order to change the location of the ProxCP Admin area, first rename the admin.php file to something of your choosing then edit the /core/init.php file to reflect the new admin.php file name in the admin/base section.

You will then be redirected to the ProxCP login page where initial configuration can continue

2. Daemon Installation

ProxCP v 1.5 and later

ProxCP Daemon now manages its own SSL certificates and generates the configuration file during the first start up.

  • Ensure your daemon server meets the ProxCP Daemon minimum requirements
  • Download the latest version of ProxCP Daemon from your My ProxCP account
  • Upload the zip file to your daemon server; ensure the upload destination is not web-accessible (i.e. do not place the daemon in /var/www/html or /home/{user}/public_html)
  • Extract the zip file in this directory; delete the zip file
  • Start the Daemon with forever start -a -l forever.log -e err.log -c /bin/bash or with screen: ./proxcp-daemon

ProxCP v 1.4 and earlier

  • Ensure your daemon server meets the ProxCP Daemon minimum requirements
  • Download the latest version of ProxCP Daemon from your My ProxCP account
  • Upload the zip file to your daemon server; ensure the upload destination is not web-accessible (i.e. do not place the daemon in /var/www/html or /home/{user}/public_html)
  • Extract the zip file in this directory; delete the zip file
  • Copy/paste your ProxCP license key into the LICENSE.key file
  • Copy/move your SSL certificate files into the keys/ directory. Files must be named exactly as follows:
    • ca.crt - Intermediate Certificate Authority (For Let's Encrypt, the default file name is "chain")
    • domain.crt - Your SSL certificate (For Let's Encrypt, the default file name is "cert")
    • domain.key - Your private key (For Let's Encrypt, the default file name is "privkey")
    • If you do not already have a SSL certificate for ProxCP daemon, you can get a free certificate from Let's Encrypt (Let's Encrypt certbot)
    • These files (ca.crt, domain.crt, domain.key) can also be symlinks to make SSL management a bit easier
  • Edit the config.js file for appropriate settings. The comments in the file thoroughly explain each setting. The MySQL database used by ProxCP Web and ProxCP Daemon should be the same. You will need to paste the ProxCP secret key from the ProxCP Web installer into this file.
  • That's it, you're done! Run the proxcp-daemon executable using forever start -a -l forever.log -e err.log -c /bin/bash This will run the binary with the forever process monitor and log errors instead of killing the process. You could also run proxcp-daemon manually in screen or as a background process.


  • Install forever: [sudo] npm install forever -g
  • Install screen: [sudo] apt-get install screen or [sudo] yum install screen