ProxCP User ISO Uploads
From ProxCP Documentation
User ISO Uploads Overview
- If ISO uploads are enabled and a user has an active KVM or Public Cloud service, the ISO upload form will appear on the ProxCP dashboard
- ISO files are verified by checking file extensions and the file header (magic number)
- ISO files are uploaded in 5MB chunks; if the connection is interrupted before completion, the upload will resume at the last saved chunk
- When an upload is completed, the ISO file is moved to the Proxmox ISO store
- ProxCP assumes all Proxmox nodes share a common ISO storage location
- If the upload could not be moved to the Proxmox storage for any reason, the error will be logged for future review
Required Server Settings
- Your php.ini settings must allow for large file uploads
- ProxCP ISO uploads require upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives to be equal
- Currently, the 5MB chunk size is not changeable